UNIC 10: Introducing transition and sustainability in the classroom | 1661039 | <div class="ExternalClass678DD7A37D06425AAC0A3D27B410AB96"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <em style="color:#17365c;"><strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</span></strong></em> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">Given the scale of the environmental and social crises, our teaching is faced with complex challenges, the session will revolve around the two questions: what skills will our graduates need to act professionally in a complex and uncertain world? What pedagogies to develop our teaching in a perspective of sustainability and transition? </p><ul><li>Objective 1: to start a discussion on the notion of “future skills" deemed to be more fitted to the current challenges</li><li>Objective 2: to start a discussion about the impact of pedagogical choices on ecological footprint</li></ul><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong>(lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 847 | 10 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2591 | 847.1.2025 |
UNIC 11: Education for Sustainable Development in Practice | 1123001 | <div class="ExternalClass675C666465424AF89F00ADDFC6813352"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <strong style="color:#17365c;"><em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</span></span></span></em></strong> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers. <br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The goal of the workshop is to explore the fundamental concepts of Education for Sustainable Development, exchange best-practices, and formulate a strategic action plan for integrating ESD principles into participants' teaching methodologies. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop aims to provide educators with the knowledge to incorporate sustainable development into their pedagogical practices. Participants will explore the topic of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the essential competencies for sustainable development. Through collaborative activities and peer feedback, attendees will formulate actionable plans to integrate these concepts into their teaching methodologies.</p><p></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">English</span></strong> (lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 879 | | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2739 | 879.1.2025 |
UNIC 1_12: Intercultural dialogue within UNIC - collaborative Teaching and Learning in international settings | 1063707 | <div class="ExternalClass724A920C6A9D42FCA7D281C6002B7B81"><p><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">This workshop is part of </span><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>UNIC </strong></em><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>InterTeach</strong></em><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</strong></em><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </span></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In this international setting you will familiarize with the concept of Virtual Exchange (resp. COIL), you will reflect on your own teaching culture and discover the learning and teaching culture of your partners. You will collaborate to create a Virtual Exchange setting for your students. You will create first ideas for fostering the collaboration of your students. You will discuss challenges of intercultural encounters and learn how to deal with them. You will have the chance to network with other teachers from the UNIC alliance. <br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">The workshop will take place online and be held in</span><strong style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> <span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">(lingua franca). </span></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"></span><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 607 | 9 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2611 | 607.2.2024 |
UNIC 1_13: Intercultural dialogue within UNIC - collaborative Teaching and Learning in international settings | 1063722 | <div class="ExternalClass9DDCB6CB4C6C4B349264ACFA0ACF1812"><p><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;">This workshop is part of </span><em style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>UNIC </strong></em><em style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>InterTeach</strong></em><em style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</strong></em><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"></span></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In this international setting you will familiarize with the concept of Virtual Exchange (resp. COIL), you will reflect on your own teaching culture and discover the learning and teaching culture of your partners. You will collaborate to create a Virtual Exchange setting for your students. You will create first ideas for fostering the collaboration of your students. You will discuss challenges of intercultural encounters and learn how to deal with them. You will have the chance to network with other teachers from the UNIC alliance. <br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>English </strong></span>(lingua franca). <br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 607 | 12 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2614 | 607.3.2024 |
UNIC 3_4: International co-teaching – Integrating Virtual Exchange into the University Classroom | 1063720 | <div class="ExternalClass384FC0AB4963423FBFF02B4ADA753344"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">This workshop is part of </span><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>UNIC </strong></em><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>InterTeach</strong></em><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</strong></em><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</span><br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is organised in collaboration with the European University Alliance 'Circle U', with partners based in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, and Serbia. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In this international setting you will familiarize with Virtual Exchange as a pedagogical activity for engaging students in authentic intercultural collaborative projects with international partners.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">Virtual Exchange means the engagement of students in online intercultural interaction and collaboration with students from other cultural contexts as an integrated part of their course work under the guidance of their educators. The teachers are planning a Virtual Exchange in a teaching cooperation.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The purpose is to practice how to co-plan and teach with elements of Virtual Exchange. Especially the transfer of the concept into your disciplinary teaching conventions, the integration into your course plan, the construction of tasks and the support and mentoring of your students during a Virtual Exchange is focused during the course. You will meet teachers from different universities all over Europe in this course.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">Inclusion of online exchange activities in the teaching does not mean that there must be a change in the course description or curriculum.<span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"></span></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">The workshop will take place online and be held in</span><strong style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> <span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">(lingua franca).</span></span></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"></span><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"></span></p></div> | | | 331 | 10 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2613 | 331.2.2024 |
UNIC 4: Engaging Students in a Challenge Based Learning (CBL) | 1661050 | <div class="ExternalClass8A5272CD11384FEDB07C2DF92A7C7A2B"><p>This workshop is part of <em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>UNIC </strong></span></em><em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>InterTeach</strong></span></em><em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</strong></span></em> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</p><p>In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. <br></p><p>In this international setting you will prepare a concept for the implementation of CBL in your courses (transformation of the currently coordinated course to the CBL model) taking into account the challenge field for the Students, identification of the forms of Student engagement in the different stages of the method, arguments for Student engagement and potential difficulties that may occur (honest dialogue), development of rules for motivating Students (code of rules to follow) and a psychological contract.<br></p><p>The workshop will take place online and be held in<strong> <span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong>(lingua franca). <br></p><p><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 841 | 9 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2592 | 841.2.2024 |
UNIC 5: ABC Learning Design Workshop | 1660738 | <div class="ExternalClass8DCFCC2AC9054CF38709892EDF2949A5"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <strong style="color:#17365c;"><em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</span></em></strong> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">ABC is an effective and engaging hands-on workshop for higher education teachers in learning design supported by digital technologies. Using a game format, teams can work together to create a visual 'storyboard' outlining the type and sequence of learning activities (both online and offline) required to meet the course's learning outcomes. ABC is particularly useful for new modules/courses/programmes or those changing to a blended or online format. The aim is to provide teachers with a new perspective on course design, methods, and activities to reach constructive alignment.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop, you will meet university educators of partner universities of the UNIC-Alliance, based in Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong>(lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 842 | 19 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2586 | 842.1.2025 |
UNIC 6: Teaching on Controversial Issues - Avoiding the pitfalls | 1660855 | <div class="ExternalClassE53C5FAE24D0421E9DC458E4AC1C8B35"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <em style="color:#17365c;"><strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</span></strong></em> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. In this international setting the participants will be introduced to a tool that can be used when preparing to teach controversial issues.<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">Teaching controversial issues (sometimes called “sensitive issues") is becoming an increasingly contentious issue within higher education. Society is increasingly distinguished by antagonistic tensions due to i.e. the visibility of large-scale international conflicts, the polemical rhetoric in social media, the erosion of civility in political discourse, and medias obsession with conflict. This tension is finding its way into higher education when students adamantly are expressing polemical and disruptive positions during lessons, especially those that deal with controversial issues. Sometimes these lessons risk becoming too controversial, with conflicts between students or with the teacher as a result.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">Therefore, how teachers prepare themselves to teach controversial issues effectively and in a way that mitigates the risk of conflict has become an increasingly relevant concern. Even so, many teachers express that they have received little or no training in how to address controversial issues in their teaching.<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">For that reason, during the workshop the participants will be given the opportunity to hone their skills in teaching controversial issues. Specifically, the participants will engage with a tool that Portin has developed that highlights the pitfalls that a teacher might fall into when teaching controversial issues. Portin will present the tool, and the participants are invited to discuss how the pitfalls that the tool highlight are expressed in their own fields of knowledge.<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <span style="color:#17365c;"><strong>English </strong></span>(lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 843 | 13 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2587 | 843.1.2025 |
UNIC 7: Designing Project Management Projects for Sustainable Development | 1660906 | <div class="ExternalClass9BDEF30DF7A1431BB29C9B634A649899"><p><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">This workshop is part of </span><em style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</strong></em><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">The goal of the workshop is to help faculty members figure out the ways to integrate agile project management process by applying AI tools in their courses with a sustainability focused learning outcome.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </span></p><p>In this international setting you will be engaged with different phases of agile project management process by working collaboratively in groups. You will plan and brainstorm for tasks necessary for the completion of a hypothetical sustainability project and practice prompt writing with AI tools to understand ways of easing the project management process.  This hands-on experience helps you develop a better understanding of how to design a sustainability project for your students and how to guide them throughout the project management process. At the end of the workshop, two faculty members from Koc University will join the training as guest speakers to share their experiences with project management in sustainability focused courses. <span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.42px;"> </span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;letter-spacing:0.02em;"></span></p><p><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">The workshop will take place online and be held in </span><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;color:#17365c;"><strong>English </strong></span><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">(lingua franca).</span><br></p><p><span style="color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></span></p></div> | | | 844 | 9 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2588 | 844.1.2025 |
UNIC 8: Introduction to Critical Trends in Teaching for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | 1660914 | <div class="ExternalClassE672A6774146487BA685BEBB42D3CA34"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <strong style="color:#17365c;"><em style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learning</span></em></strong> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers. <br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The goal of the workshop is to introduce participants to foundational principles and current international trends about Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in relation to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In this international and interdisciplinary setting, you will explore current critical trends in the global field of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and reflect on how they relate to your lived experience as a teacher. The workshop aims to help participants develop critical awareness of their values and skills as culturally responsible educators who are able to make evidence-based decisions that foster justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in university learning. You will be encouraged to reflect on your experience and discuss practical applications of the explored principles within your educational contexts, with particular attention to how they inform your teaching choices.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">English</span></strong> (lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 845 | 10 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2589 | 845.1.2025 |
UNIC 9: Introduction to Service Learning in Higher Education | 1660975 | <div class="ExternalClassDCC03F93FD6C431BB3687E5F3FEE65F9"><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">This workshop is part of <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;"><em>UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative teaching and learni</em><em>ng</em></span></strong> – UNIC's professional development programme for university teachers. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The goal of the workshop is to introduce participants to the service-Learning methodology.<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In the workshop you will meet university educators of partner-universities of the UNIC-Alliance, who are based in: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.</p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">In this international setting you will work through hands-on activities and examples of real service-learning (SL) experiences in higher education. You will also discover a check-list to implement service-learning, and design your own SL experience for one of your courses. </p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz">The workshop will take place online and be held in <strong style="color:#17365c;"><span style="color:#17365c;">English </span></strong>(lingua franca).<br></p><p class="rs-rteElement-absatz"><span style="font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;color:#17365c;"><span style="text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#17365c;"><strong>Attention: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:"rub-neu scala", times, serif;color:#3c3c3b;font-size:21px;letter-spacing:0.42px;">All UNIC courses are part of the extended module Lehren & Lernen. AEs awarded for participation in UNIC courses will be credited for Lehren & Lernen only.</span><br></p></div> | | | 846 | 22 | https://fortbildungsportal.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Lists/fb_rm_veranstaltung/AllItems.aspx | | False | | | fb_rm_kurs | 2590 | 846.1.2025 |